Five Minas

And the second came, saying, ‘Lord, your Mina has earned five Minas.’

Luke 19:18

In our human thinking we will read this passage and say, ‘Too bad the second servant only earned five minas.’ But Jesus doesn’t say that. Yes the master gives this servant less responsibility. But he is still happy with the servant’s work.

In our lives we tend to look at others and judge our own performance that way. But Christ is the judge. And when we compare ourselves to Him, it keeps us humble. Humility does not make us think little of ourselves and put ourselves down for our five Minas compared to another’s ten. It makes us remember that it is all for Christ, and that becomes our focus rather than performance.

Jesus could have left this man out. Why tell us about the ‘five minas’ servant? He wanted us to understand there will be those who do more, and those who do less. But both are His servants. We should learn from this. Spiritual elitism or inferiority is not acceptable in the kingdom of God. All are equally under the eye of the Just Judge.

Heavenly Father, thank You so much for Your love and power! We are so frail and we worry about every little thing. But we know You understand all that we are and all that we do. You know our efforts and see our desires. You judge the inner man. Thank You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.