The Second Brother

And the second took the wife, and he died childless.

Luke 20:30

This is where the Sadducees story begins to take on its true nature. Though theoretically possible, it is not very likely that this scenario actually happened. At the level of the second or third brother might be plausible, but all seven is a bit of a stretch.

Thus we see that the Sadducees were introducing one of those ‘what if’ arguments intended to confound their hearers. For example this is much like the old ‘if God can do anything, what if God makes a rock so big He cannot lift it’ scenario. The solution to that one is our human limitations surrounding the understanding of infinity. In the same way, the Sadducees had created this conundrum which really did not have the sharp point to it that they had hoped for.

Heavenly Father, in our human limitations, we think we know so much that we really do not understand. Thank You for helping us see Truth that would otherwise alude us because we get enamored with logical fallacies. Life can be scary, but You do not change and You are abundant in loving kindness. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.