
Luke 9:56 “For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.” And they went to another village.”

   So if Christ did not go to that village, and moved on to the next, was that not the same as destroying those lives? Would not the lack of light from God above be just as bad as death? No, because there was not a lack. You see not only were people expected to accept Christ by virtue of His ministers; but also, people are expected to accept the truth of God without this direct contact. Thus, the people in the village still had a chance for life, though they would never again have a chance to be physically visited by the Lord of life.

   We must understand that every experience, every fact, every eternal truth and law, are all expected to be sufficient grounds from which to build a faith that brings one to Almighty God. God wants humans to see all that He has done and conclude that He has made all things good, in spite of the fall and the subsequent bad result of it in nature.

Heavenly Father, You alone are God above. We can look around us and come up with any number of ways to explain ourselves, but we also know there must be some particular way to explain it all. Only a knowledge of You can make us complete. Thank You for Your love and goodness in revealing Yourself to us in the Person of Your Son. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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