
Luke 3:19 “But Herod the tetrarch, being rebuked by him concerning Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife, and for all the evils which Herod had done,”

   This world goes on in its processes without taking serious thought for the idea of morality. Oh, morality is claimed. But, that is only a show of goodness to save face. Sinful humanity will seek to get away with anything that can be gotten away with. Herod knew he could get away with marrying his brother’s wife, so he did it. The propriety commensurate with a person in his position didn’t stop him. The sense of morality among his subjects didn’t stop him. His own broken conscience didn’t stop him. And since God does not tend to allow hell to claim its treats before its time, God didn’t stop him. And this was only one of a host of evils that Herod ran though the selective morality of evil humanity without a bump, other than John of course.

Heavenly Father, our collective consciousness must be a foul odor to your nostrils. We trust that the submission of Your servants, coupled with our genuine praise, can somehow drown out the screaming malignancy of the wicked purification of the mass of man. Your justice waits, her eyes covered, but her ears not plugged. One day the gavel will fall, this we know. But, we beg Your mercy, which You excel at showing, upon this woefully disgraceful and undeserving group of our companions. But for Your great grace, all among us are the same. We praise You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray an praise You, Amen.

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