
Luke 2:35 “(yes, a sword will pierce through your own soul also), that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.”

   Mary would suffer much in that she would watch her own eldest son crucified. She would have to hear the mocking and the opposition. It was indeed painful for her.
   As for the rest, the thoughts of many were indeed revealed. To understand this one must understand Jewish history. The Maccabees had given their people freedom, yes. But they also gave them the notion that that freedom comes at the price of military action. God had brought the Jews out of the Babylonian captivity without them having to use force. Not so with the revolts under the Maccabees. Thus, there has now come to be an element of the Jewish nation which might be called hyper-Zionist. There is a fine line here. Zionism in its purest form would simply say that the Jews have a divine right to their homeland. Hyper-Zionism would say the Jews are a superior race and their enemies deserve destruction.
   The life of Jesus worked as a revealing element. It was obviously manifested that the Jewish elite in that day had learned to hold power. And, they would stop at little to keep it. It is this very kind of thinking that lead to the destruction of Jerusalem not long after. The defense of the Israeli homeland is right and good, but hyper-Zionism should not be promoted any more than other racially-based evils.

Heavenly Father, we will always thank You for how You have guided the Jewish nation. May we always minister to them! They are Your blessed people. Give us mercy and love in our hearts for them. We praise You for Christ, Your Precious Son. We will praise Him for eternity! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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