
Luke 9:46 “Then a dispute arose among them as to which of them would be greatest.”

   Matthew, Mark, and Luke all record debates of this kind. Indeed it seems there was likely several instances of such a discussion, even if they are not recorded. It is strange to us that these men would have made their ambition so obvious to each other. But we must not forget that they were expecting Jesus to shortly set up a physical kingdom. Though this does not excuse their behavior, it does explain the cause. They were not only assuming to be greater than one another. But, as the close confidants of Christ, they expected to be greater than all the rest of their countrymen.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your goodness! Sometimes it is a wonder Your don’t trash the whole world and start over. But this story is not about us, it is about You, and that is exactly why You do not do that. Thank You for loving us by Your Son Jesus Christ. Thank You for giving Him to us. You are so wonderful! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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