
Luke 9:41 “Then Jesus answered and said, “O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you and bear with you? Bring your son here.”

   The gospels are very authentic because they report all that Jesus said. They don’t skip or gloss over things that are difficult for us to understand. We see this man and his great need because of his son being constantly tormented. We would expect Jesus to respond differently to him. But, we find that Jesus was not only disappointed with the faith of His disciples, but also of this man and the people of Israel in general.

   Beyond this Jesus calls the people among whom He was ministering ‘perverse’ or corrupt. What does He mean by this? The Jewish community in that day had a feeling that they were very godly and that the Lord would surely bless them and give them power over their enemies the Romans. But, they had instead built a whole religious system devoid of the true faith. They felt themselves so very close to God, and yet they had strayed far away. Their teachers had led them down a dangerous path and they had followed blindly.

Heavenly Father, we are so mistaken, so sinful, and so confused. Thank You for your clarity, mercy, and truth! You love us and give us what we need for our minds and our hearts. We are after all so very fragile and weak. But, we can depend upon Your faithfulness. You are so wonderful! You are so much more than we understand, so much more than we know. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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