
Luke 1:16 “And he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God.”

   This is a beautiful verse. What a picture is being painted for us here! The nation of Israel was planted in Cannan by God. They are His special chosen people. And yet, many had turned their back on the Lord and were concerned only with the things of this life. They had forgotten their first love.
   But John comes to bring them back around. He reminded them of the great God that they had forgotten. Though many still gave Jehovah lip-service, their heart was somewhere else. John had come to convert them back. Conversion is the only way to see true change.

Heavenly Father, we all want to be convert-makers for you. We want to lift Christ high in our lives. You are worthy of our absolute devotion. I love You! May we live every day to make Your Word and Your way more clear to a lost and dying world. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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