
Luke 1:6 “And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless.”

   What a contrast this is! Much of the gospel accounts seem to put the law keepers against Christ and John the Baptist. Yet here the parents of the latter are said to be law keepers.
    What is the significance of this? The law was not the problem. Both Jesus and John His cousin were dealing with hypocrisy rather than law. The law was no problem for them. It was the Jewish additions and inconsistency of observation that was at issue.
   However, this verse seems to link righteousness and the keeping of the law. How can we reconcile that with the gospel of grace? As James would point out, works are an evidence of faith. So, the righteousness of these two folks was due to their faith. But their faith was evidenced by their works. Even in this age of grace, works are essential. But we understand that the works are only evidence of faith, and they do not save us. Grace alone may give us the righteous of Christ.

Heavenly Father, we will be careful to observe Your commandments. Though we understand that this obedience cannot save us, it shows our love for You, and the genuineness of our faith. Thank You for the mercy and grace that provide for us righteousness in Christ. We will do good because we are good by Your grace. It is impossible for us to live against our Savior. We will keep His laws, for we are His servants. May Christ be praised forever! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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