
Mark 16:10 “She went and told those who had been with Him, as they mourned and wept.”

   Though their belief took time, their grief was real. Grief is easier for us to muster in our own power. It is to be a passing thing that takes its time on the stage and then moves on. But like other short-term feelings, it can lead to dangerous sins. Worry, doubt, fear, and depression are always just around the corner. Grief is fine for a time. There is a time for it to play it’s part. But then it must pass, or else these other actors may slip in and steal the show.

Heavenly Father, give us victory over the sins that grief may lead to if not kept in check. Remorse can do the same. We must remember You are at the center of all we are as Christians. We will give You the praise by living in the victory You provide. You are able, we are weak. But in You we may be strong. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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