
Mark 15:45 “So when he found out from the centurion, he granted the body to Joseph.”

   Pilate though Joseph might have faulty information and wanted to verify the facts. We might well wonder if it was common for Roman officials to release a body like this. Frankly it likely depended a lot upon who the person was. If the Romans felt the body was important to somebody, or had some symbolic value, they would likely not give it up so easily. However, Jesus was undesirable to both the influential Jews and the Romans. As a result, had Joseph not intervened, it is possible that the body would have been hurriedly buried in a mass grave with several others. Ending up in one of the finest sepulchres in Jerusalem would hardly be expected for one who had been crucified.

Heavenly Father, all we can do is stand back in awe as we consider all of the fullfilled prophecies in connection with Christ. You orchestrated every last detail. Before any of it happened, the whole thing was planned out. Thank you, for how you put it all together. You are so good to us! Your mercy and grace has been made available by something so remarkable, we will never get over it. We will praise you forever for your beautiful work. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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