
Mark 15:39 “So when the centurion, who stood opposite Him, saw that He cried out like this and breathed His last, he said, “Truly this Man was the Son of God!”

   On what does this centurion base his statement? What caused him to make it? Why would a man of the world say this? Well, several things need to be kept in mind here. First, many of the common folk who rubbed shoulders with Christ were impressed with Him. It was the elites and leaders that tended to have a hard time accepting His exceptional nature. This centurion was among the commoners. Secondly, many in that day were very superstitious. Now, I am not trying to make the centurion’s words simply the remarks of ignorant superstition. But, superstitious persons will often start out on the path to faith with their superstition dragging along behind them. In other words, though I believe this man did indeed move on to true faith, it was likely his superstition that pushed him towards this particular outburst. As his mind thought on thew truth of what he had said, and as he witnessed other special circumstances of the death of Christ first hand, his faith grew beyond the ignorance of superstition. Finally, I am sure many present that day were thinking much the same. The circumstances of the crucifixion were quite compelling. They were impressed by the One on the middle cross.

Heavenly Father, we tend to think only of our own future and greatness. We want ourselves to be the most important thing in our lives. We keep people dear to us only because they are dear to us. But, You have given us a different way. We are to live all because of Him. That third cross is to be our whole focus. Our importance and all that we know should be measured by Him Who hanged there. He is the theme, the song, the cause of our lives. He is of the utmost importance. He is Your Son, He is our connection to eternity. He is our Future and Hope. Thank You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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