
Mark 15:28 “And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith, And he was numbered with the transgressors.”

   This is directly from Isaiah 53:12. Jesus was numbered with the transgressors. He became sin for us, Who knew no sin. This is the great message of the cross. Never miss it. Jesus Himself took upon Himself the sin of all men. He became the propitiation, the atonement, for those who would believe in Him. The work is done.
   This is why the Scriptures say it is not by works of righteousness that we have done, but that it is by His mercy that He has saved us. Though it is actually by His cross-work itself that we are saved, the Scripture says it is by His mercy because He had to submit to it. It was not against the will of God for this to take place. In this way, it was the choice of His own mercy that brought about the desired effect.
   Jesus was numbered among men who were condemned. And that is altogether appropriate to the task He was about to perform. He would take upon His own person the guilt of the sin of human history, nailing it to His cross because He was nailed to the cross. Being displayed there with the two thieves has to be the most poignant picture in all of human experience. It depicts in living flesh the plight, and salvation, of the human creation. In one brilliant stroke, God painted it all into a few moments of time so that all who look to it might understand the Truth as He is. As Adam has failed like the rest of us, we can be children of our New Father, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, how can we miss the significance of Calvary? You have not given us a bedtime story. You have put the Truth out there in clear detail, not holding back the bare facts. May we proclaim it loud and long for all to hear! That is all it takes to recognize the Truth of the cross of Christ. To hear. For once we have heard, the response of our hearts decides our fate for all of eternity. What this picture of Christ Jesus and the two thieves stirs within our soul determines forever which of those two we shall be more like. Will we shun Christ as the one, or realize the Truth as the other? We love You, Father, for making this Truth plain to us. We love You as a response to Your great love. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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