
Mark 15:15 “So Pilate, wanting to gratify the crowd, released Barabbas to them; and he delivered Jesus, after he had scourged Him, to be crucified.”

   He wanted to gratify the crowd. Justice must never be doled out in this manner. Pleasing the crowd can be a good thing in some cases, but the carrying out of justice is not one of them. But Jesus was Jewish, so Pilate was under no special obligation to carry out justice in any particular manner.
   We might well wonder why the scourging was necessary? There are several reasons for this, none of them very good. First of all, the crucifixion was the choice of the Jews. The scourging was the sentence of the Prefect. The prisoner had to be made to feel the wrath of Rome as well as the sentence of the Jews. It was overkill, but for Pilate it was a matter of principle.
   Secondly, Pilates’ underlings would not take well to having a prisoner in their custody without having the opportunity to “work him over”. Sick, but true.
   Third, and finally, pilot had to illustrate to Jesus his authority. You will remember that Jesus told Pilate that unless someone had delivered Christ, Pilate would have had no power over him at all. Though Pilate did have a fear of Jesus, that fear was based only on his superstition. The scourging was carried out for Pilate to make a point of his power over Jesus. He, like the rest, did not understand what was truly taking place.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for your loving kindness and for your truth. Though this world believes it has power over your children, it does not. As your Word says, greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. Thank you for Christ! Thank you for his authority! Thank you for his love. You Father, are worthy of all the praise, honor and glory for ever and ever! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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