
Mark 15:11 “But the chief priests stirred up the crowd, so that he should rather release Barabbas to them.”

   The priests had likely anticipated this opportunity beforehand. There choice of Barabbas would go over well with the people, and they wanted him released anyway. And so, providing the mob a tempting alternative to Christ was just icing on the cake.
   These men had a lot of experience determining what would go over well with the people, and they could manipulate them much more easily than Pilate was able to. And they knew Pilate would try to please the majority and they could control him in this way.

Heavenly Father, I love you! You always are trying to communicate truth and love to us. It is not your lack that frustrates us, bit our stubborn ears. Thank you for teaching our ears to hear good things. You work differently from this world, and we should listen for what we wouldn’t expect. Thank you, may your Name be praised! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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