
Mark 14:36
   What are the implications of God the Son asking God the Father to take away this ‘cup’ from him? We understand him to be speaking of the crucifixion. Jesus knew it was the plan. He knew it had been determined from eternity past. He knew it would not be altered. Why then does he ask?
   Here we have Jesus showing us what worship truly means. First, he tells the Father he knows that he can make another way. And then he expresses his own will, and submits it to the will of the Father. These are both acts of worship. He is being our example. He is doing what man should have done it the first garden.
   Adam should have went to the Lord with the whole affair and told him that he wanted that tree for food. And he should have left the choice in the hands of the Father, just as the Son did here.

Heavenly Father, thank you for working with mankind. You could have chosen to give up on us. You could have stopped long ago. You could have forced your will, rather than teaching us to trust you. Your ways are high above our ways and we cannot know all that you do. But, we will trust your goodness. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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