
Mark 14:21
   This is one of those things in Scripture that we seem to want to gloss over. We try to ‘tone down’ the meaning to ease people’s conscience. But, these blunt words are really that blunt. But why would Jesus say this?
   Well, we have to have a good understanding of the Word of God to get it right here. We have to be careful and rightly divide. Jesus has a bird’s eye view of history. He could see Judas’ beginning, and he knew his end. The fact is that when we consider a final destiny of hell and then the lake of fire after that, we could say this about many people. But why would God make someone only to turn around and condemn them to such a fate?
   Many have wrestled with this question. Many have fallen victim to doubts as a result of it. It would be far easier to ignore it and forget it. But we just can’t, and it is that simple. It will crop up again, over and over. So what is the solution?
   Faith. We trust God’s ways. We know he is good, absolutely good. But, he made Lucifer. He allows evil  to transpire every day. He is not powerless. He can stop it. But he doesn’t, not yet. The best way I can say it is like this, once it all comes out in the wash, nobody will look back and question his methods. All will say he has done all things well. We may not see it or understand it now, but we will then.
   God made Judas, and God knew what Judas would do. And God knew it would be better for Judas to never be born. But it isn’t better for God’s plan, or for the good of his creation as a whole. He alone has the wisdom to know exactly what should be done and how to do it. We know he knows best, and we trust in Him.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your might power and infinite wisdom. I will praise you forever for your plan for us. You know the best and you do what is best. Give us the grace to understand and the faith to trust. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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