
Mark 14:10
   After a while it became obvious to Judas that Jesus wasn’t going to help him accomplish his aims. Judas was a theif, and had motives to match. And yet he was well esteemed, apparently. So he surely planned to continue in the same vein as Jesus set up his kingdom on earth. But, Jesus didn’t set up his physical kingdom on earth at that time.
   Some have suggested that Judas had good motives. They say either that Jesus told Judas to betray him, or they say that Judas was trying to get Jesus to establish his royal claim. If Judas had been instructed to do what he did the Scriptures wouldn’t say that the devil entered him at the Last Supper. And, he wouldn’t have killed himself. If Judas was only trying to get Jesus to act then that was only a lie he was telling himself to salve his conscience. Ultimately, he realized that he was deceived and used as a pawn in the devil’s hands.

Heavenly Father, thank you for showing us the truth. You do not steal from your servants. You give to us. You encourage us. You enable us. Your work in our lives is a wonder, and we praise you for it! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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