
Mark 14:1
   This is not the first time that this planning had occurred. These men had been trying to resist the ministry of Christ, and John the Baptist, from the beginning. We get the idea that they were finally successful becuase they figured out how to go about it. But, really, Jesus prevented their success. Almighty God had already planned this all out. Had it not been for the offer on the part of Judas to betray Christ, the purposes of these men would have failed again. But, Judas’ role was prophesied, so that is why it is the way that this plan finally came to fruition.

Heavenly Father, thank you for moving everything forward by your purposes. You alone have the wisdom needed to guide this universe. Only you know what to allow and what to prevent. And, only you can hold back all opposition. Thank you for your work in my life! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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