
Mark 13:27
   The Lord will come for his own during that time yet future. So many things will happen then, but the rapture of the church, and the Second Coming of Christ will be the defining events.
   Some may try to criticise the language here. The reference to ‘four winds’ seems to fit with a ‘flat earth’ cosmology. But, this is just stylistic language. He is emphasizing the grandeur of this event by using beautiful language. We still do this now, even in our ‘scientifically correct’ day. Every place under heaven will be reached by these events. There will be no exceptions. The second coming will be very public. The rapture could only be hidden if there are few Christians around by the time it takes place.

Heavenly Father, you deserve the praise! How can we fathom the great things that you have planned? When we think of your works, and the depths of your love and mercy, we are speechless. Never will I ever be able to stop singing your praises. I want to bring honor to your name forever and ever! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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