
Mark 13:14
   As is recommended here, be careful to understand what is being said here. The abomination of desolation, found in Daniel chapter 9, and also 11 and 12. But what is the abomination of desolation? It refers to any time that the temple is desecrated by an invading ungodly army. It happened not too long before the time of Christ with Antiochus Epiphanies. And, then it happened again not long after the time of Christ with Titus. It will happen again at the end of this age with the Antichrist, who as yet has not been revealed.
   This, so far, is fairly easy to understand. But, realize that many prophecies of Scripture have dual fulfillment. This is not a double meaning, but an additional meaning. The disciples had asked about the destruction of the temple, and the end of the age. Well, the abomination of desolation was a reality at the fall of the temple, but it will also be at the end of the age! So, what we see in connection with this prophecy has a fulfillment in the first century. But it is not, as some think, the only fulfillment. There is a yet future fulfillment outlined for us in the Revelation of Jesus Christ – let those that read understand!
   Some say that the direction to understand what one reads here is not said by Christ, but by Mark, or even is a later addition. Though it may have been inserted, it is not at all outside of the realm of possibility that Jesus actually interjected it. On several occasions Jesus reveals his eternal nature by his wording of things. He speaks from the perspective of a person that may speak to all of humanity, at all times in history – for he is there.

Heavenly Father, you are worthy of blessing and honor and power. All that we may ever hope to be we owe all to you! You are so wise and true. You have known the end from the beginning, for you are the God Who is there. Time is not a container for you, but a tool only. Thank you for your work in our lives! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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