
Mark 13:11
   This is an important admonition. It applies directly to those giving testimony before officials, be they civil or religious. In other words, when we go to people with the gospel, trying to teach them, we may plan out our words beforehand. Whereas, when we are delivered up, meaning that our opportunity to testify is given to us due to persecution, we should not plan out what we will say on such an occasion.
   Why is this? Does this mean that the Holy Spirit only helps us when we are in these situations, and not at other times? No. The fact is that the Holy Spirit speaks through us in any case if we are God’s children. But, direct persecution is a special case, and God doesn’t want us taking vengeance on our enemies by having some planned speech to aim at them. Instead, he wants any judgment in our words to be directly from the Spirit. Some might say that our words are likely to be sharper in such a case. Maybe, but those who are recipients of such persecution have already proven their willingness to speak what the Lord would have them to say.

Heavenly Father, we can only stand in awe as we see your wisdom in your plan. You could have had the angels do all of this. You could have had them immediately carry the gospel to every part of our little globe. But, in your infinite wisdom, you chose to use humanity to reach humanity. And why is this the best? Because it was no angel that saved the lost from their sins, but the Perfect Human, Jesus Christ the Righteous One. A human Savior would have human messengers. And yet, as the Savior is also completely Divine, we humans are given the power of the Spirit to carry out this mission. In this way, we have every energy an angel could ever have for this task. I praise you Father, for you are so intelligent, so wise, so mighty! Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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