Mark 12:42

Mark 12:42
   The coin this woman dropped in would have been the smallest possible unit of money that could be possessed. It was worth precious little, and there being two meant little more. A working man could easily make this amount in the time it took for this woman to come by and give her gift. It perfectly illustrates the old idea of ‘next to nothing’ due to its small size.
    However, even before we get to Jesus’s great commendation of this gift, we can see that this was a beautiful thing that this woman did. This was likely a freewill offering, and she gave what she could. Indeed, many in her state would likely have given only one coin, and kept the other.

Heavenly Father, teach us to be generous, not greedy. You have given us so much, yet we often forget that. All praise is yours, for you are the only one who truly has it all! You can take care of us no matter what. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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