Mark 12:22

Mark 12:22
   Here is where the story seems the most far-fetched though it is still theoretically possible. It is likely just one of those what-if stories made up to prove a point. However, there was no point here to prove, as Jesus would shortly show.
   We tend to do this a lot, by the way. We invent scenarios to illustrate the ‘right’ choice on issues. However, we must be careful to be consistent with the whole of Scripture. Otherwise we may fall into such crazy concoctions as we see here before us.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the completeness of your Word. Without it we might fall into many weird and harmful doctrines. It is your book that keeps Christianity from being an ethnic, tribal, cultural, or political cohort. Only by your Word can we establish truth. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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