Mark 12:1

Mark 12:1
   A parable is like a proverb, an apothegm, or an adage. It is like a comparison, an illustration, or a figure. It can be like a type or metaphor. But, a parable does not strictly fit in any one of these categories. So, what is a parable? It is a story told to explain a spiritual truth. The story parallels reality and teaches by virtue of its simple commentary on a deeper idea.
   The landowner in this story parallels the work of the Lord with the Israelite nation. He plants a vineyard, the establishment of the nation. He sets a hedge, bringing them to their land. He digs for a winepress, setting up the law and their system of worship. And he builds a tower, giving them peace from their enemies. The whole thing is then let out to husbandmen, those who take over after Moses and Joshua.

Heavenly Father, you are so worthy of our praise for your great faithfulness. You have blessed your church and each of us through it. You don’t limit your blessings as we limit of favors. If you blessed only those who had our approval, you would have a small task. But you know us all and you love us. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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