
 Luke 9:17 “So they all ate and were filled, and twelve baskets of the leftover fragments were taken up by them.”

   I have seen many attempts to make something of the number of baskets taken up here. To be sure Jesus could control how much food was distributed. And Luke did not have to record this detail. But, whether we try to see metaphorical significance or not, I think we can be certain of a few things here.

   First, the leftovers show clearly that enough food was distributed. If people had barely enough to to eat and some were still hungry, no leftovers would be there to be had. Second, the leftovers show that the food was normal. Jesus didn’t fill everyone’s stomachs somehow with just two loaves and fish. The original supply was indeed multiplied. Third, the disciples did quite a bit of work to distribute, and then to gather leftovers, for this meal. In spite of the miracle there was work to be done. This is very important as it reminds us all that God is not in the genie business. He doesn’t snap His fingers and make all the work go away so that we can take it easy. Even in our eternal future state we must expect to work, though work without the presence of sin will be a great pleasure.

Heavenly Father, thank You for supplying not only what we know we need, but also many things that we don’t know we need. Just recently You have supplied things for me that I had no idea I needed. But, as always, these were good things that I did need very much. You are wise! Thank You for not only meeting our physical needs. You bless every part of us, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social. God You are more precious to me than anything I could every imagine. You are so wonderful! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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