Mark 11:29

Mark 11:29
   Jesus knew their question was singular. He also knew why they had asked it. He understood the danger involved. Now, some may say that his choice to ask them a question in return was a cop-out. Well, it wasn’t. It was a careful avoidance of an eventuality. Eventually, the Jewish leaders would find a way to accuse him. And he already knew that. He just chooses not to allow this to be the occasion for it.
   Answering a question with a question is a clever way to turn the argument around. This question was actually a very good one, and the Jewish leaders were taking a risk by asking it. But, they felt they had no other choice, for Jesus was just too big a threat. Asking a question in response was the best way to avoid the trap that had been laid.

Heavenly Father, thank you for orchestrating everything by your plan. We can see from your Word that there are times that you have your people run from the enemy. Other times they stand before the enemy. And, as here, they sometimes outwit the enemy. In any case, we are in your capable hands. Thank you for your protection! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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