Mark 11:14

Mark 11:14
   The disciples heard it. Interesting. Mark, of course, tells us this so that we will know how they knew later that the tree withered due to his words. But, it also tells us something else. Jesus didn’t yell at this tree. He didn’t make a big deal out of it. Our verse here makes it sound as if they just barely overheard his words. It may have been ‘under his breath’ so to speak.
   Why would I say this? Am I thinking Jesus was trying to hide what he said? No. It just reveals the tone and tenor of his words. He wasn’t happy. Part of his displeasure over the fruitlessness of the people of God was dispensed on this tree
    And this highlights yet another point. Though Jesus already knew before he ever came to Earth that this would be the outcome, he was still displeased. So, Just as he came to his people anyway, he was displeased anyway. This gives us a glimpse into the inner workings of God’s thought process. He knows all of everything from the outset. He operates outside of time. Place and circumstance have no pull with him. And yet, we see him operate throughout history as though he were one of us. And this is because he is personal and alive. A living person interacts with time and space and circumstances as they are. God does no less, though he is in no way dependent upon any of it. It is because of this that we see the progressive buildup of his wrath, and the linear nature of the dispensation of his mercy.

Heavenly Father, you are such a wonderful person! Though we do not deserve to live, you have considered your glory, and that is naught but good for us. Your mercy sweeps over us as you have planned a way to make us once again your beautiful creation. It’s all about you, for it must be. Only you would have the love and patience to make us what we ought to be. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you. Amen.

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