Mark 11:13

Mark 11:13
   Though on the face of it this verse seems to be quite straightforward, it has been the cause of much consternation to Bible scholars. And why is this? It is due to the wording here. It sounds as if Jesus is looking for fruit on a tree, and doesn’t know that there is no fruit on it. As we know he proceeds to curse the tree, so that it will bear no more fruit.
   Well, this causes all kinds of problems. Why would he not realize that there was not fruit on this tree? Isn’t cursing a fruitless tree a bit harsh? So, we see there are some serious interpretive challenges here.However, as always, we must consider the issues in context.
   It is in this passage that Jesus finds the nation of Israel sadly lacking in their faith. It is here that he begins to think in earnest of the cross. It is at this time that the nature of the Suffering Servant comes into view. That the Messiah has come to be the sacrifice we now see.
   And how does this bear upon our verse? Well, we realize that it was not a regular occurrence. We are not usually told where Jesus found his meals. And, it is not to be expected that he was in the habit of cursing things. More than that, we have already seen in the context that though Jesus knew the nation of Israel would reject him, he came into his temple anyhow.
   This reveals then that the following is the sense of this verse. Jesus sees a fig tree with leaves. Though it was not at that time the season for figs, the leaves would indicate that there were figs present. Jesus knows all along that there is not fruit, but the tree serves as a perfect example of the fruitlessness of the Jews. It advertised fruit, but it was barren. The nation of Israel was the same way. Advertisements of fruit were found everywhere, but actual fruit was scarce. This is why Jesus curses the tree, as an example of the judgement of the false fruit of hypocrisy.

Heavenly Father, your careful love so much reflects the heart of a gardener. You nurture us and you look for fruit. Thank you for working in us to produce the fruit of the Spirit. It is the ambition of our lives to be better than we are. We fall so far short, but that is when we rely only on ourselves. In Christ we can bear much fruit. He is worthy of our sacrifice of praise, our fruitfulness for his kingdom. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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