Mark 11:9

Mark 11:9
What a fine procession! The imagery is amazing here. The whole crowd cries out in unison whether before or behind. It must have been something to see and hear. And Jesus was the center of all of it.
The word we see here, ‘Hosanna’, needs some explanation. Very often we find that words in the original languages that don’t translate easily are transliterated. Transliteration just means that the letters of a word in one language are changed to the similar letters in another language.
Hosanna is even more unique in that it is the English transliteration of a Greek word that comes directly from Hebrew. It comes from Psalm 118:25-26, which is what the people are quoting here. It means, save us now!

Heavenly Father, we don’t really say Hosanna anymore. After you have saved us, we tend to not cry out to you for anything like this. We just deliver our wish lists. We act as if all there is for you to do is to maintain the status quo. But you want to do so much more! You want to use us in ways that we cannot imagine. Hosanna! Save us from complacent attitudes. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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