Mark 11:5

Mark 11:5
The disciples are interrogated, likely by the owners of the animal. Why would Jesus choose this particular colt? One good reason is the place where the colt was. It was in open view. It is not as if the disciples crept into someone’s back yard to take it.
Was it a theft? Well, Jesus may very well have known the people that owned the colt. But, even if he did not, it wasn’t a theft becuase the disciples were allowed to take the animal. Jesus didn’t tell the disciples for sure that somebody would ask about the colt, he said if. But, Jesus knew that the owners would send the animal. Besides this, it was likely returned shortly.

Heavenly Father, thank you for providing for us. You already have everything we need ready to go. Yo know where it will all come from. Thank you for using us! We praise you for your faithfulness. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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