Mark 11:2

Mark 11:2
I just love the fact that Jesus points out the nature of this colt. He tells us that the colt had never been ridden before. Now, he could have gotten his disciples to go get it without mentioning that fact. But, he throws it in because, well, it’s glorious!
You don’t just go find a colt and sit on it. There’s a domesticating process. But for Jesus, that was totally unnecessary. Jesus knew what he was doing. And he knew that this was the Triumphal Entry. And there was no reason to hold back on his power. There was no reason not to make it clear that he was going to ride a colt that had never been ridden before.

Heavenly Father, thank you for making your glory clear to us. It makes it so wonderful to serve you. We feel like we’re doing something great when we serve in your ministry. And, we know that you don’t mind if we’re proud to belong to you. You want us to be happy that we are your servants. Thank you for making your service such a joy! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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