Mark 10:40

Mark 10:40
Jesus did not mean to say that he had no business discussing this, or that he had no part in the matter. But, within the Trinity there is some difference of roles. It would be wrong to say that God the Father came to earth to die for sinners. Yet, the Father is in no way less involved or interested in this process.
In the same way, Jesus would not give these positions to those that the Father had not intended. This does not in any way minimize Jesus’ part or interest in the rewarding of the faithful. It just means that was not in the plan.

Heavenly Father, thank you for loving us so much! You have given to us what you would have us to enjoy. We will not, even in eternity, find cause to complain or be dissatisfied. Your blessings are always just what we need. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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