Mark 10:36

Mark 10:36
This is one of the most remarkable statements of Christ. It really helps us understand the power of prayer. Jesus knew what James and John were going to ask for. He knew their motives, and he knew what he was going to answer them. And yet, he is open to their request. In other words, this shows us that his ears are open. Even when, many times, our requests aren’t exactly what he’s wanting to hear. He doesn’t refuse to listen even though he already knows that what we’re going to ask isn’t quite what we should be asking for.
This is a wonderful blessing! It shows that the Lord listens and cares about what we have to say. He doesn’t deal with us as enemies, but as friends. He treats us kindly. That is so amazing considering that he is infinite, and so much bigger than we are.

Heavenly Father, we know that you’re infinitely greater than we are. We know that your glory is absolute. We know that your knowledge is endless. But we know that you are kind! What a glory this is to you! Thank you for your great kindness to us. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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