Mark 10:34

Mark 10:34
One of my personal peeves in regards to theology is in connection with this verse. I have run into too many people who have failed to realize did Jesus knew he was going to rise again. Somehow, people have gotten the idea that Jesus wasn’t exactly sure what was going to happen after he died. I guess that they think the second person of the Trinity wouldn’t be able to control what was going on, and would be unaware of what would happen. But that’s just not the case.
On several different occasions Jesus makes it clear that he knew he would rise again in three days. Any variation on this, or denial of this, is completely false. And why does this matter so much? Well, of all the things that Jesus knew, this was the most remarkable. To know that he was going to rise again, and more than that to know exactly when it was going to happen, is a testimony to his divinity.

Heavenly Father, you have all of the answers. You know all of the events of our lives. Thank you for giving us your truth! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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