Mark 10:24

Mark 10:24
Why the repitition? Well, the disciples had quite a bit of trouble with this teaching for one thing. But, also, Jesus was making a big deal out of it too. He really wanted them to get this. The Jews naturally thought that rich people were righteous becuase they assumed that God would not bless them so much if they weren’t. Jesus, on the other hand basically preaches this guy into hell.
And why? Does Jesus just not like rich people? On the contrary, Jesus had several rich friends. He simply wanted his followers to understand that salvation would not be based on riches, or works of the law. Salvation is based on our acceptance of Christ. Following him is the requirement. And this is the vitally important point that Jesus wants us to understand.

Heavenly Father, thank you for making your Word clear to us. The illumination of your truth by the Holy Spirit is a great blessing to our souls. You never give us anything we don’t need. That’s an amazing thought! Your time is spent giving us what we need, even if we don’t see it that way. You show us how we should live. May we always be witnesses for you of what you have done for us. We must spread your truth to the world. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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