Mark 10:23

Mark 10:23
This is a very significant teaching of Christ right here. It shows us that there will be many that never make it to heaven simply becuase of perceived comfort in this life.
There is a great danger in thinking that we are safe. This is not to say that the Lord would have us life lives filled with worry and care. But, freedom from such anxiety comes with entrance into the kingdom. So, before salvation there needs to be some healthy worry about the destiny of our souls.

Heavenly Father, help us to understand your comfort. So often in this world we seek comfort in all the wrong places. There is a great lack of understanding that you have our best at heart. You are going to bring us to a place of contentment, but by the road less traveled. You are the one who brings us to yourself. Thank you for drawing us, for with our natural tendency to find comfort in sin, we would not come to you on our own. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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