Mark 10:18

Mark 10:18
Many have pointed to this verse as evidence that Jesus did not claim to be God. This is based on a misunderstanding of Jewish theology. Jesus did not need to identify himself as God in order for it to be understood that he is indeed equal with God.
The New Testament teaches that God is triune. The three distinct persons of the Godhead are equal in one Divine essence. The Old Testament has the same approach. The prophecies concerning the Messiah make it clear that he is equal with God. Jesus did not say he was God the Father simply because he is God the Son. And he definitely did claim that identity.
So, what is Jesus saying here? Rather than denying his deity, he is trying to get this man to think about Who he is. Many of the Jews saw Jesus as a ‘good’ teacher, or even a prophet. But did this man see him as the Messiah? If so, the word good would signify much more than just excellence or distinction.
Jesus always tries to get people to step beyond where they are to get to a place of greater truth. He wanted this man to understand that wasn’t just a great prophet, but that he is The Messiah. Unfortunately, this man ended up leaving Jesus, failing to realize what he was forsaking.

Heavenly Father, you always encourage us to grow beyond where we are. Thank you for working with us like that! You really do care about us. We know that you want to see us succeed in our spiritual lives. You are amazing! We will thank you all our lives for your intervention. You put truth before us and challenge us to grab it. There is always something more we can learn about you. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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