
Luke 9:8

Why were people making these assumptions? To understand this we really have to grasp ancient Jewish thinking. There were several necessary hallmarks of a true Jewish prophet, and both John and Jesus fit every one of them.
Thinking that either John or Jesus was Elijah was based on Malachi chapter 4, which explains that Elijah is the forrunner of the Messiah and the end times. So, this was actually a good conclusion and quite accurate in the case of John.
As far as thinking Jesus was some prophet risen from the dead, we have to remember that news didn’t travel as quickly back then. A prophet could have risen and then show up ministering without anyone really important having the ‘story’ behind what had happened. But to be sure this theory was the more far-fetched as it was not at all based on a definite prophecy.
Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Precious Son! You are so beyond amazing I cannot possibly express it with words. Forever I will be in awe and will glorify You. Your wisdom is complete, and Your love is so powerful. May I live to learn more about You all the time! Eternity is not enough to hold the praise You deserve, but gladly we will give it. Thank You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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