Mark 9:26

Mark 9:26
The big question in this verse is did the boy die? I can be emphatic, based on the context, that the boy did not die. Although Jesus would be more than able to raise the boy back from the dead had he died, that’s just not what happened. Jesus had just told the demon spirit to leave the boy’s body. This verse records for us the result of that command. The demonic spirit would have been unable to kill the boy upon his exit. And why? Because Jesus had told the demon exactly what to do, and the demon would not be allowed to do anything else to harm the child. The only thing the demon did do, was to put on temper tantrum as we can see here.
Now there are those who will say, yes but the demon rent the boy when he exited. A closer look at the Greek here will reveal that the word means to convulse. In other words this demonic spirit was able to throw the boy to the ground, but he was not able to hurt the child any further. Jesus power is absolute. Once he had told the spirit to leave, there was no other option, the demon had to obey the command.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your power on our behalf. No matter what the devil might try to throw our way, we belong to you. As your Word says greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. May we always rely fully upon you, and look to you in every situation. If we do, there is nothing that the devil, or anyone else, can do about it. Thank you for your faithfulness! Thank you for the beauty that you have put around us, and for our family and friends that are such a blessing to us. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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