Mark 9:25

Mark 9:25
The sceptic will ask why Jesus rushes to the deliverance of the boy when the people began to crowd together. Well, can we know why? Yes, there were several good reasons. First, Jesus knew that the demon would not be happy about his command, and would throw another temper tantrum when he received it. So, Jesus was protecting the people around the boy from this potential outburst. Secondly, given the complexity of this particular situation there was quite a bit of room for people to misunderstand or misrepresent what was being done. So, Jesus was preventing people’s stories from being too terribly farfetched. Third, as we saw earlier, the whole crowd may not have been there for the same reason. As a result, many of those who were now crowding in to see may not have known what was going on. It was time for the matter to come to a conclusion, rather than dragging on. Finally, the Greek here indicates that the group of people now gathering were actually in addition to the crowd that was already there. It was evidently quite a number of folks. Rather than giving the scribes, or the demon, the opportunity to say anything or do anything else to draw the crowd’s attention, Jesus cast the demon out immediately.
Notice Jesus’ words to the demonic spirit. He is very specific. He very directly charges this demon not to come back to the boy. He refers to the demon as deaf and dumb. As we said before, whether that means the demon itself was deaf, or it was a demon that caused deafness, we don’t really know. However, because Jesus uses this language, it’s important to consider that point. The fact that Jesus tells the demon not to come back seems to indicate that there was a possibility for this to happen. Jesus says no more and no less than what needs to be said. This is consistent with the Scriptures in that the kingdom of darkness is discussed no more, and no less, than necessary.

Heavenly Father, it is so great to know you. You can always be trusted, no matter what. You are truly faithful. You are trustworthy regardless of what might go on in our lives. There is nothing that could come our way which would prove you to be untrustworthy, or unfaithful. You will never ‘fall out of love’ with us. Your power is perfect, we will never find you to fail. It is not even possible! Thank you for you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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