Mark 9:23

Mark 9:23
This story is fairly unique in that we actually have this man making a statement concerning his faith. In most cases, those involved with the miracles of Jesus don’t actually say all that much regarding their faith in him. We do have a few instances where there is some kind of statement made as to Christ’s ability. Even among these examples, this particular event is different. This man actually questions whether or not Jesus is able to rescue his son.
So, as a result, we have Jesus returning to the lesson he always has in connection with his miracles. Though he is able to do any miracle anytime, it’s a question of belief. His ability is not limited by a lack of belief, but his willingness is another matter. The Lord Jesus is quite interested in his glory, as he should be. If he wasn’t, we would know he wasn’t God. Thus, if he’s going to do a miracle, he expects someone to believe in him.

Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us your Word, so that we might understand our lives. You are worthy of all of the glory! May we never forget that! You are not to be deprived of your glory in our lives. You deserve all that we are and ever shall be in service to you. Thank you for your faithfulness! You are so easy to love! We have nothing to give you, you give us all we have. I love you, Father. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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