Mark 9:16

Mark 9:16
Here once again we have a place where the skeptic will ask a question. Why did Jesus have to ask them anything? Doesn’t he already know everything? Why would he need to inquire as to the subject of their argument? Wouldn’t this cause them to doubt his status as the Messiah?
The answer is a resounding no! And why? Well, it’s important to look a little bit more closely at what is being asked here. The original Greek used in this particular verse reveals that Jesus was asking what they were disputing about among themselves. In other words, Jesus was not asking them what they were talking about, but why they were arguing with each other. He was asking a rhetorical question, pointing out their confusion and disagreement with one another.
He was highlighting the fact that his disciples were bringing confusion to men who were supposed to understand the oracles of God. This question did not reveal weakness in Christ. Instead, Christ was pointing out the weakness of these teachers who were supposed to know more than he, or his disciples.
As we see in the next verse, neither Jesus disciples, nor the scribes there present, answered this question. And why? They understood what Jesus was intimating. The father of the boy with the demon answered because he saw it wasn’t a question that the scribes were intended to answer. He responded to it as a lead-in to his description of the problem to the Lord.

Heavenly Father, may we never forget that Jesus is the King of Kings. As royalty, he will always call upon us to understand truth, that we may treat each other as he treats us. His ways are right, and his judgement is just. He knows what we think, and how we think. He understands our deepest needs. He is Lord of our hearts. Thank you, King Jesus! You are truly the Highness and Majesty over all! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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