Mark 9:5

Mark 9:5
We might well ask what exactly Peter had in mind here? He was beginning to understand Who Jesus is, and his faith was still young. Did he mean to say they should build temples? I don’t think so. Did he mean to say that they should build a permanent shrine here with a place for each of the three that mankind could resort to? Yes, I think so. Peter is here thinking much like Jesus own brothers, that man’s ways should be followed. This is exactly what man’s religion does, set up shrines. But Jesus is God everywhere, and must be worshipped in  Spirit and in truth.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your mercy upon us. You don’t give up on us when our faith is still young. You guide us in the way that we should go and teach us by your Word. How could we ever thank you enough for this grace? We will praise you forever for your loving kindness! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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