Mark 9:4

Mark 9:4
Moses and Elijah are very significant figures from the Old Testament. There has been much speculation as to why these two were the ones to appear with Christ on this occasion. To answer this, may I suggest we keep our eyes upon Jesus. He is the reason these men were there, and he is the reason that these two were selected. Moses represents the law. Elijah represents the prophets. These two are the foremost of each. Thus, together they represent all that had gone on before this. All of Scripture was there to point forwards to Christ.
We have here the why, the when and the Who of God’s Word. The law supllies the why of salvation. The prophets supply the when. Jesus supplies the Who.

Heavenly Father, thank you for making your Word the way you have. It is so helpful to us. It is all there for our benefit, and your glory. You have planned it all out so well! Thank you for teaching us of your salvation. Lord, your mercy is so wonderful! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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