Mark 8:36

Mark 8:36
The value of an individual, and an individual’s soul, never find greater worth than in the thinking of Christ. Indeed, Christianity has at its very core a key emphasis on the worth of each human being. It is foundational because Scripture tells us we are created brings that God loves, and so our worth is more than we can immediately appreciate.
Thus, Jesus compares the life lived for this world and the eternal life that we may have in him. The result is that the loss of one’s soul is held out as such a grave and serious misstep as to be the least desirable thing one might imagine. This helps his hearers to realize how skewed our imaginations of reality actually are. Jesus is holding forth a measure of value completely foriegn to the vast majority of humanity.

Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us a proper view of what it means to be human. Thank you for understanding our true worth. Thank you for helping us to see that we are created beings that need to consider our eternal souls. Thank you for the gift of life in Christ! May we not forget every day to evaluate what we are doing in comparison with eternity. I will praise you for all of eternity, and should start right here and right now. Your praise is always appropriate. It’s always time to bring worship to you. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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