Mark 8:29

Mark 8:29
Jesus now plows ahead and gets the disciples to think about the question themselves. Who was Jesus? Did they really know him? After all this time with him could they identify him for who he was?
Mark’s Gospel has of course been accused of being too short, and not descriptive enough. But, I find this short statement of Peter’s faith to be quite appropriate. Jesus is the Christ. That puts it plainly, just as it needs to be. It tells us that he is all that the Old Testament had prophesied. It tells us that he is the One the Holy Father has chosen. It tells us he is the only Hope for mankind. It tells us that he is the King. It tells us that he is the Savior.
This is the conclusion that Jesus wanted people to come to. He wanted them to understand who he is in his fullness. And yet, he wanted people to come to this realization on their own. He didn’t want them to be forced into it, coerced into it, or just wowed into it through miracles. He wanted people to come to this conclusion in their hearts.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the Christ! The Lord Jesus is our Hope, our Salvation, our King, our great love. He is your suffering servant, and by His righteousness he has justified many. He has brought us to you, dear Father. Thank you for the shed blood of Christ on Calvary! I will never be able to thank you enough for Christ, but I will live my life for him. He is worthy of all the glory. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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