Mark 8:27

Mark 8:27
The Caesarea Philippi area was likely not far from the Bethsaida that Jesus had just been to. Thus, walking along, he begins this conversation with them. It is great to have these private conversations recorded because they really give us an insight into what Jesus was teaching his disciples at the time.
This particular conversation had as its goal for the disciples to begin to understand what Jesus was driving at with his teaching. He wanted them to understand that he wanted to bring people to a place of belief, so that they would understand that he is the Messiah. As we know, this is vital, because belief in Christ is the key to salvation. So, Jesus is trying to pass along to the disciples the most important thing.

Heavenly Father, thank you for always coming back to the most important thing. You can give us a lot of great advice and tell us how to do a lot of things, but you always focus on the most important. You know what is best for us, and you know what is for your ultimate glory. Thank you for working in our hearts to bring us to Christ! I’m so glad that I’m saved! Having your truth available, knowing your Son as my personal Savior, and being able to take part in your work in this world, it’s all so wonderful. I will lift your praises high all my life, and never cease to bring you honor and glory! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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