Mark 8:24

Mark 8:24
So here we have the apparent failure of Christ to heal this man right away. It says here that he looked up. The word here indicates that he did indeed regain his sight. But, he could not see clearly yet. Jesus, as we saw in the last verse, asked the man if he saw anything. This was rather strange too. Jesus must have known that the man would not see right away.
Because he knows everything, Jesus knew that this man was having difficulty believing in him. He knew that the spiritual darkness in this area was very strong. But he also knew that this man had seen before. Otherwise, the man would not have known to say what he says in this verse. Jesus knew the man would know what he was seeing, and that he would have difficulty believing Jesus could heal him.
Jesus heals him in stages on purpose. Just as there are those who could once see, but are now blind, there are those who can see, but not very well. Thus, Jesus first heals this man in accordance with his faith, which was weak. As always, Jesus is teaching. He is trying to help this man understand that his faith was weak. Jesus, ability was not limited, but he wanted this man to be delivered from spiritual as well as physical blindness.

Heavenly Father, your wisdom is so much better than ours. You know what we need, and when we need it. You are always trying to teach us something. You never stop doing things for our good. We praise you for your kindness to us. You understand this world better than we do, and you alone know the best path. We will follow your leading so that we will not walk in darkness. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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