Mark 8:14

Mark 8:14
Why didn’t the disciples have any food? They took up a good amount of leftovers from the feeding of the four thousand. Wouldn’t they have some left? Well, as I have already said, we need not assume that very little time had passed since that feeding. And, more than that, the disciples most likely dispersed the leftover food to those who were preparing to go home on that occasion. As Jesus had said, many of them had traveled far to hear him.
So, the disciples found themselves in the boat with Jesus poorly prepared for future meals. This kind of thing had probably happened before, and would likely happen again. Mark is only telling us about it because of what will follow. The situation itself wasn’t really a big deal, since they could easily buy food once they reached their destination.

Heavenly Father, you understand our needs so much better than we do! Thank you for caring for us even though we try so much to care for ourselves. As you know we tend to worry today about tomorrow. But, tomorrow is in your hand. You know what our future holds. I will trust you, because you have all of my tomorrows in your plan. You are the God of the future, the Lord of the past, and the Master of today. I will praise you for all time, and after time has ceased. Thank you for your Sovereign watchcare! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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